Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Finding the Perfect Fit

This morning was nothing out of the ordinary.  It happens to me all of the time.  But, for some reason, today it made me think.  The suspense is killing you I'm sure.  Ok, so here goes...I couldn't decide what to wear!!!  Laugh it up!  Go ahead.  I know it's not very dramatic or life altering, but it's something every woman (and man if he admits it) deals with with alarming frequency.  I tried on at least 5 different shirts and a few pairs of pants.  Nothing I put on made me feel good.  I was uncomforable.  Each different outfit made me obsess about my tummy sticking out here, my sleeves being too short, it being too tight, or it being too baggy!  AARRGGHH!!!  I finally did settle on something that I was less than thrilled about wearing.  I have to give a special thanks to my hubby for getting Polly ready for school, since I was too absorbed in my own vanity to worry about what she was wearing to school.  I know you have all had similar mornings, but why was today different? 

I have a new sister in Christ.  She is soon to be moving to a new town, and I'm eager to help her get settled into a new church family so she will have the support she needs as she and her family transition.  I can't tell you how excited I am to have her as my sister.  She's had a hard path, and it was a long road that led her to the foot of the cross.  It took a while for her to grasp the concept of grace.  She was caught up in the world, and it's consequences.  And, she was/is far from alone.  We all get caught up in flesh.  We want more stuff.  We want to feel better.  We harbor anger and resentment.  And when we succumb to the world, we end up lost.  We are unfulfilled.  We are constantly searching for "it".  The one thing.  Only, we don't know what "the one thing" is. 

When we're sick and doctors don't know what's wrong, they try different medications until a cure is found.  Well, when we're caught up in the world and lost we try a lot of different ways to mask our distress.  We feed  away grief.  We medicated away our emotional pains.  We buy enough to hide our sorrow.  We work to cover our inadequacies.  No matter how hard we try, we find ourselves covered in sin.  Filthy. Uncomfortable.  We try again and again.  New method after new method.  But the results never change. 

Fact is, no self medication can bring healing.  We placate ourselves with temporary relief, but true healing comes from one place and one place only.  Our heavenly father.  Jehovah-Rophe.  The Lord who heals.  Remeber that feeling of finally slipping on the perfect dress?  The one that feels so good it makes you smile?  Not to mention it makes you look great too?  The search is over.  You can finally rest.  Peace.  Comfort.  Joy.  That's what awaits those who clothe themselves in our Saviour.  We can stop looking for the magic cure or the perfect outfit, because we are healed.  It doesn't take a miracle, or another trip to the shopping mall.  All it takes is accepting the perfect love that was poured out to us through the perfect Son.  Here are some of my favorite verses about the healing our God provides for His children.  And here's my prayer for you all and hope that you find the perfect fit. 

Proverbs 4:20-33, Psalm 107:19-21, Psalm 30:2, Isaiah 53:4-5, Psalm 147:3, Mat 9:20-22

1 comment:

  1. I love your analogy! We are so blessed to have the perfect fit! Praise God! Love you, Leslea!
