Monday, April 8, 2013

Mis-marketing Jesus

I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure Marketing 101 emphasizes three key points:
      1. Know you audience
      2. Know what you audience wants
      3. Know what your audience needs
Let's look at these more closely from the viewpoint of discipleship.  1.  Audience:  As Christians, this should be easy.  Our audience is anyone who does not yet know Jesus as savior.  2.  What our audience wants can be a bit tricky because there are many varied answers.  However, I think we can construe that universally people want hope, a sense of belonging, acceptance,  authentic relationships with people, and relief from physical and emotional torment.  3.  What the audience needs can also be tricky, because it doesn't always align with what they want.   We need forgiveness, restoration, love, and an intercessor who can connect us with our creator in an eternal manner. Successful products and marketing campaigns find ways to connect the consumers wants and needs.  As Christians this should be very good news.  Nothing can compare with Jesus.  He can do it all.  In theory, with a product like Jesus, we shouldn't be able to keep the shelves stocked.  As a disciple, I am to go and make disciples.   Easy right? 
Matthew 28:19-20     Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

So far so good.  Okay, now pause and take a step back.  If Jesus is the total package, and fits both the needs and wants of the consumer, why is demand so low.  Why does it seem like Christians work so hard to convince people of the value of Jesus only to see them walk away empty handed and unhappy?  Most still in search of that elusive "something" they are missing.  Maybe we need flashy lights and cool videos.  Maybe we need some big gimmick to draw in hungry consumers.  Or maybe we just need a new perspective.  Obviously, the problem isn't Jesus...It's us. 

Picture this:  You are at home eating dinner with your family.  A man knocks on the door.  You answer and are obviously shocked by what you see before you.  He is filthy, ragged, smelly, and just down right gross.  He tells you that he's hungry.  You feel for him.  You really do.  And, being the good Christian that you are, you know about the soup kitchen that will be open tomorrow for lunch.  You pass the word along.  You even give him directions and a phone number he can call.  You close the door, feeling good, and finish dinner with your family.  He walks away encouraged at the hope of a meal in his near future, but still hungry now. 

"So, what's that little story have to do with anything?" you many wonder.  Well, I'll tell you.  We are mis-marketing Jesus.  We go out looking to make disciples.  Our intentions are pure.  Like most consumers, we meet people who are impatient.  They want what they want and they want it NOW!  And what do we Christians do?  We sell them Heaven.  And, because some of them are so broken, hurt, and tired, the prospect of relief in the future is enough for now.  But tomorrow is a different story.  They may have hope for tomorrow, but they are still in need for redemption now.  But they don't yet understand the power of Jesus.  We sold them Heaven via Jesus, and so that's what they understand Jesus to be capable of.  I'm not saying that's not a very powerful thing.  But, for many it doesn't solve their needs for today.  Many become frustrated with their new purchase and just toss it aside and go out looking again for a present time cure.

As Christians, as disciple makers, we have to show the world that Jesus is all of the above!  Is he hope for tomorrow?  YES!  But even more importantly to many, he is also hope NOW.  He is relief NOW!  He is that "something" you are searching for NOW!

Matthew 4:17       From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”   

Jesus is telling us.  Look!  I am here for you today, tomorrow, and for eternity.  You don't have to wait for me any longer.  You can live Heaven now.  And the message for us as Christians is this:  Don't sell Jesus short.  Tell the whole story.  The only way we can show others what Jesus is now, is by being those things ourselves.  Perhaps then we will achieve true discipleship. 


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Perfect Timing

Hmmmm...where to begin.  Well, as you probably noticed it's been a LONG time since I've written. In fact, it's been almost exactly two years since my last post.  You may have wondered why I wasn't writing anymore, or maybe not.  I remember the first blog post I wrote.  It was something that had been creeping into my head and invading my sleep for quite some time.  I tried to express my thoughts verbally and textually, but for whatever reason, the words weren't coming together.  So, I pushed it aside for a while longer and just repeated the process when I started losing sleep again.  Ultimately, I knew that I would not find peace until I was able to get my feelings out.  So I did.  But, getting your thoughts onto paper versus making them available for others to scrutinize are two different things.  So, it took me another little while to have the courage to share myself with others.  Especially close friends.  Because, let's face it, the judgment of strangers doesn't mean much to our personal worth.  Anyways, here I go getting side tracked again!  Back to the point...when I finally made my first post, I was scared to death, and unbelievably excited at the same time.  This was a big move for  me, and a long time coming. Who knew it would be such an ordeal to just write a few paragraphs.  What I didn't understand then, was that I was trying to force God's hand.  I was trying to make my time become His time.  And try as I did, it never worked.  But, when I surrendered my plan to His, it all suddenly came together.  I guess that's why I was so nervous about that first post.  It seemed like I was not in control.  And truthfully, I wasn't.  That's the great thing about it.  After that first post, my mind continued to race, and God lead me down paths and gave me words I never expected in a million years.  I was loving it.  So, where does that leave me today?  Good question.

A lot of you may think I just got tired of writing and decided to quit.  I'm not going to lie, it was a lot more time consuming than I realized it would be!  But, I didn't just decide to quit.  The thoughts just kind of slowed down.  I started sleeping more.  I tried to keep writing for a while, but my posts became fewer and farther between.  Again, I felt like I was trying to force God's hand.  So, basically, I stopped writing and started living my life.  I still had things I wanted to share with others, but the time wasn't right.  As I settled into the normalcy of life with three kids, God started throwing curve balls my way!  I was in my 9th year of teaching junior high.  My husband was farming.  My daughter was about to start 1st grade and the twins were gearing up for headstart.  I was getting tired, or maybe restless I'm not quite sure.  I wanted to stay home and be with my family more, but the timing wasn't right.  It was a rough year on me emotionally and physically.  No major trauma, but I was just feeling worn down by the grind and needed change.  In January of last year, I had a slight health scare.  Everything turned out okay, but it made Travis and I question a lot of things in our lives.  I felt the need to be home with my kids, but financially it wasn't possible.  Then, seemingly out of the blue two incredible things happened.  Travis got a job and the Kiowa County Ag Extension Agent for Kiowa County, and I got PREGNANT!!!!!  Finally, instead of trying to force a path for myself, I felt like God was flashing a giant neon arrow at me saying "This way please!"  I had no choice but to follow. 

What I understand as absolute truth is this.  Our time is not ours.  Our lives are not ours.  It's so hard to accept the lack of control we have in God' plan for our lives, yet we must.  The hours we spend in prayer begging are hard to swallow when the answer is, "not yet".  We try so hard to display control over our own lives, and sometimes we succeed.  Unfortunately, our success is always in vain and ultimately leads us in the wrong direction.  His plan is perfect.  His plan is exciting.  His plan is rewarding.  His plan is hard! His plan is hope and love and forgiveness.  When we surrender ourselves to His plan, we are recipients of His grace and blessings beyond measure! 

     Jeremiah 29:11 
   For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give 
   you a future and a hope.

     Proverbs 16:9
   In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.

So this is where I am.  I am now the mother of 4 beautiful babies and the wife of an amazing man.  The youth pastor of an incredible group of young people at the First United Methodist Church in Hobart, Oklahoma.  HAHAHA!  I'm sorry, I get a kick out it still.  Never in my wildest imagination, could I have ever dreamed up such a crazy and awesome life!  And here I sit.  At my desk.  Writing words God has given me to share with you yet again.  Following his perfect timing.  How long will I keep the blog up this time?  I have no clue!  I just know that wherever He leads, I must follow.  Join me.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Are You a Fan or a Follower?

"Polly, could you answer the door? Thanks sweetheart.  Tell them I'll be right there." I said. 
"Mom! Mom! Mom!  You've got to hurry, it's Jesus!" she replies.  "He's here at our house!  Hurry up mom!"
"Oh my gosh!  Are you kidding me?  Jesus?  Here?  How do I look?  Oh, this house is such a mess!", I reply.  "Nevermind.  Just open the door."

"Jesus!  Is it really you?  I can't believe you came all this way.  Did I win a contest or something?" I say.  "Wow!  I'm just in such shock right now.  I can't believe you're actually here!  So, what are you here for anyways?"

"Well, as you know I've been traveling for quite some time."  he replies.  "And I was just wondering if I could get a drink of water and use your restroom."
"Of course you can." I say.  "Whatever you need Jesus!  Can I fix you something to eat?  Oh, please don't mind the state of my house.  Things have been so busy lately, and I just haven't had time to clean."
"Oh, your house if just fine.  I didn't really notice any mess.  Just looks likes someone lives here."
He notices me staring so I say, "Sorry Jesus, I don't mean to gush or make you feel uncomfortable It's just that I've never had a celebrity in my own house.  In fact, I'm not sure my friends are gonna believe this.  Would you mind taking a picture with me?"  He nods his head.  "Really? You don't mind? Could you sign it too? Wow!  Sorry I keep saying that, but I mean WOW!  Thanks Jesus."  I'm awestruck.
"So, what brings you by this way?" I ask. 
"Work." he replies.  "I've just been carrying this cross around the world trying to share it with all of  my children who are in need."
"In need of what?" I ask. 
"Anything." he says.  "Some need love, hope, understanding, forgiveness, food, shelter, a friend, money, compassion, healing, reprimand, laughter.  Whatever they need.  I provide."
"No wonder you're tired Jesus.  I can't imagine how exhausting that must be."

A moment passes.  "Is there anything I can do to help?" I ask.
"Funny you should ask.  That's really why I'm here." Jesus says.  "Like I said before,  I've been carrying this cross everywhere.  It's dirty, covered in blood, and my hands are full of splinters.  I'm so tired, but I have so much more work to do.  I was wondering if you could help me?"
I can't believe what I'm hearing.  Jesus wants me!  "Sure Jesus.  I love that cross.  Without it, you would have never come here." I say.  "You name it, and I'll do it.    I'm a pretty good cook.  Would that help?  How about money?  I think I could scrape up some extra this month."
"Well, actually Leslea, I was hoping you would come with me." he says. 


"What do you mean come with you?"
"I mean just what I said.  I want you to come with me.  My cross is heavy, and like I said these splinters hurt pretty bad.  I don't need you to carry the entire thing, just pick up the end and follow me." 
"Hmmmmm." I contemplate.  "Oh man.  Jesus, I'm flattered really I am.  But, gee.  I'm not sure.  How far did you say you were going?"
"Throughout my creation."
"That far huh?  Well, I'd really need to talk to my husband first.  Plus, I just got cast in this muscial.  I can't just quit.  Those people are depending on me.  I actually have a pretty important part.  It's also the last nine weeks of school.  That means CRT tests are coming up.  I can't leave the kids.  I have to help get them prepared. Not to mention Polly's graduation and zoo field trip.  There's no way I could miss those."
"Oh, I see." he replies.

"I'm sorry Jesus.  It's not that I don't want to help.  It's just that now's not the best time.  Maybe I could do something else to help.  I may even have some friends who I could call that would want to follow you." I suggest.
"Oh, okay.  Well, thanks anyways.  Oh, and thanks for the water.  I think I better get back on the road."
"Okay Jesus.  I can't thank you enough for stopping by.  And thanks again for the picture.  I can't tell you how big of a fan I am.  I mean, what you did, the sacrifice you made, that was truly amazing.  Maybe I'll see you around again sometime."
"Of course you will Leslea.  I'm never far.  All you have to do is call."
After he leaves.  I look down at the picture smiling.  It says, "To Leslea.  My number one fan!"

Do you love the cross or carry it?  How far will you go?  What will you risk?  Are you a fan or a follower?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


In an effort to get back in gear and running again, I traded in my elliptical machine for a treadmill.  As I ran, Luke kept coming into the room and asking for his turn.  Finally, when I was done, I told him he could hop on and take a shot at it.  I was hot, so I opened the back door and did a little star gazing.  Such a beautiful, clear night.   Absolutely breathtaking.  Sparkling stars, cool breeze, and the smell of coming rain in the air.  Doesn't get much better than that.  But I managed to pull myself away and turn back around to face inside.  I wanted to keep a close eye on Luke.  And when I looked at him, I was frozen.  Transfixed.  I couldn't take my eyes off of him.  He didn't have a shirt on, only pants.  His arms were stretched outwards on each side hanging on to the handles.  Every step he took his little musles moved in rhythm.  His ribs stretched.  His spine turned.  His shoulders contracted.  And the dimples on his back just above his little tooshy were the sweetest thing of all.  And there I stood.  Glued to this work of art.  Tears welled in my eyes as I thought of my creator.  My father who turned a simple cell into my son.  As I reflected on that, A star cought my eye.  And I lost my breath.  Pure awe for my creator. 

It's kind of funny and sad at the same time.  Most of us live our lives in search of knowledge.  We want to know more.  More than we knew before, and certainly more than anyone else.  What a futile search.  Immediately Isaiah 55:8-9 come to my mind:
8: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. 
9: "As the heavens are higher than the Earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thougths higher than your thoughts."

We want to know it all, but we can't.  Many scientists, geniuses in fact, devote their entire lives trying to figure out the why and how of the universe.  They look for proof.  Measureable facts and figures that lead to concrete solutions.  But, the final explanaiton eludes them.  Because it's too much.  We can't understand the thoughts of God who creates the heavens from a molecule.  We can't understand the mind of a God who creates live from a single cell.  A cell that inherently knows how to multiply and differentiate into complete organisms.  But we keep looking for the answers.  And eventually our search for knowledge of creation separates us for the masterful hand of our maker. 

Psalms 111:10 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.

1 Corintians 1:18-25 tells us this, 18 "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”20 Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22 Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24 but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. "

If we want to gain wisdom.  We have to first understand that we are not capable of understanding.  If we want to become wise, we need to walk in a faith that the God who created the heavens and the Earth will provide all the wisdom we need.  We are so small, yet our pastor cares for us.  He nurtures us, and we grow in His wisdom.  And who are we to question a wisdom like that?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Auto Pilot

Today was a little strange.  Not sure why, but my mood was a little funky.  It's kind of hard to explain, but sometimes strange moods can lead to strange events.  And today's strange event lead me to some new reflections and realizations. 

I did not want to go to school today.  I'm not sure why, it was a pretty easy day to tell the truth.  I guess I was just homesick.  All day long, I wanted be home.  I wanted peace, quiet, rest, comfort.  But, I was stuck.  There was work to do.  So, at luch I decided to get away from the noise and eat luch at sonic.  I sat in my car with the radio off and just read a book.  It was wonderful.  When luch was over, I put my car in gear and took off.  Auto pilot.  Next thing I knew, I was almost to the highway headed home!  It was a jarring experience.  I had only been driving a few minutes, but my last conscious thought was the fact that it was time to go back to work.  So, how did I end up on the highway headed home? I guess my subconscious REALLY wanted to go home!  It's kind of funny, and I think we can all relate. 

We've all done it.  We're busy. we're lost in thought.  We're making lists.  We're replaying events.  We're daydreaming.  We're somewhere else.  All of the sudden, we're there!  Only, we don't remember how we got there, because we were stuck somewhere in between.  Practice and habit seem to have taken over.  Auto pilot.  We're here, but how?  Why?  I know I've written about how we get too busy and lose focus.  But sometimes it isn't just about being busy.  We can lose focus just as easily when we're idle.  We are flesh.  Sometimes, we just want to take it easy.  We don't want to have to do the hard work.  We want to take the day off, and just rest.  We want to go home.  Because home is peace, love, comfort, rest,  etc.  Home is where we are free to be ourselves.

 I'm not suggesting that longing for home is a bad thing.  But when we get stuck on auto pilot, we allow our subconscious to deliver us to places we are not intended to be.  My desire to go home today wasn't the problem.  The problem, was that I let it consume me.  I let it take me away from where I was.  And where I was, was work.  There was work to do.  But, I wasn't there.  I know it sounds strange, but follow me.  We are called to be disciples on Earth.  I'm not sure if you realized it, but being a disciple was work!  It was rough.  They were sent to spread the message of Christ in hostile places.  They faces sickness, trials, and hardships.  I know they were tired.  But they didn't let their desires for rest take them away from the work they had to do.  They could live in the present, because they lived in faith.  A faith that promises rest when we are weary.  Rest, when the work is done. 

I hope you can see through my mess and hear the message.  We all  long for home.  Not our Earthly homes, but our heavenly ones.  But there is much to do before we get there.  And, we can't do His work, if we're  not present.  I was blessed by my little wake up call today.  In fact, my afternoon classes went great, and my mood was greatly transformed.  I was there, and it's where I was intended to be. And when I got home, I had a greater appreciation for the rest it brought.  Work isn't always fun.  It's not always easy, and often drains us mentally and physically.  But after the work is rest.  A rest that is sufficient.  A rest that takes away our need for auto pilot!

Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.—Ephesians 4:28

Whoever is slack in his work is a brother to him who destroys.—Proverbs 18:9

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.  Proverbs 14:23

As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.
John 9:4

Monday, February 14, 2011

Have you heard

It's midnight, on a school night, and here I am.  I can't sleep, bcause my mind is stuck in overdrive.  So, I'm waving the white flag.  I'm going to get it out in pursuit of the peace that follows. 

I heard a good sermon today. Maybe that's not the right way to describe it.  I didn't just hear a good sermon.  It was more than sound waves and vibrations leading to neuron's firing and word recognition.  It was more than showing up and receiving the message.  I heard it.  It wasn't merely a presentation of scriptures meant to teach a lesson.  It was real.  The words more more than language, they were alive.  And they affected me deeply.  Enough so, that they have consumed my thoughts all day, and led me here.

The lesson was based on the Sermon on the Mount.  I can tell you what the lesson was supposed to be about, but that wouldn't really matter, because it lead me somewhere entirely different.  It kind of amazing really.  How one spoken word can trasform into something unique to each of us.  The spirit within guides us to the place we need to be.  And for me, I needed to go back.  To the beginning.  Not "THE" beginning.  But, to the place of my rebirth.  Most of you who know me, know that my blessings are infinite.  I live a very charmed life.  The white picket fence and 2.5 children are more than a fairy tale for me.  I live through the gift of Grace.  It's easy for me to shout Jesus from the rooftops, because I don't know adversity.  So, I go back. 

The past...whew...not exactly my favorite place.  I, like so many others, made some pretty epic mistakes.  Mistakes that scar in places that never show, and seem like they'll never heal.  I, like so many others, tried to fill spiritual voids with physical matter.  The harder we try to fill those voids, the farther we fall.  Deeper into anger, shame, and hopelessness.  One of my favorite songs right now is called "Beautiful" by Mercy Me.  The opening verse says this:

The days will come when you don't have the strength
When all you hear is you're not worth anything
Wondering if you ever could be loved
And if they truly saw your heart they'd see too much

I think we've all been there.  In that place of fear and uncertainty.  Wanting to reach out, but guarding ourselves from rejection.  Today's sermon took me back to the place where I let go.  The place where I surrendered my understanding in return for Grace.  The place where Christ's love was shared with me.  As a recipient of that blessing, how can I not share that same blessing in return.  I know this entry is a little scattered.  It is certainly a good representation of my head right now!  I'm not really sure where this post is leading.But I know that I'm being lead place where I can't sit idly.   So often we accept defeat before the battle is waged.  We are so afraid of failure or of doing something wrong that we choose to do nothing.  We all remember our pasts, and we allow those memories to keep us from being Jesus now. "With all the mistakes I've made, who will ever listen to me?" right???  But that's just it.  Because of those mistakes, we can understand the gift of grace.  Because of those mistakes, we can connect with others who are living in the same dark shadows where we once lived.  Because the love of Christ was shared with us, we can share it in turn.  Because we have been forgiven of our pasts, we can help show others the future.  We can't wait until we are perfect to share His message, because that day will never come.  We can be the hands, and feet, and heart of Christ on his Earth now.  We are called to be His disciples now.  The present.  Here...the place where the past has lead you.  Wherever that may be. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Finding the Perfect Fit

This morning was nothing out of the ordinary.  It happens to me all of the time.  But, for some reason, today it made me think.  The suspense is killing you I'm sure.  Ok, so here goes...I couldn't decide what to wear!!!  Laugh it up!  Go ahead.  I know it's not very dramatic or life altering, but it's something every woman (and man if he admits it) deals with with alarming frequency.  I tried on at least 5 different shirts and a few pairs of pants.  Nothing I put on made me feel good.  I was uncomforable.  Each different outfit made me obsess about my tummy sticking out here, my sleeves being too short, it being too tight, or it being too baggy!  AARRGGHH!!!  I finally did settle on something that I was less than thrilled about wearing.  I have to give a special thanks to my hubby for getting Polly ready for school, since I was too absorbed in my own vanity to worry about what she was wearing to school.  I know you have all had similar mornings, but why was today different? 

I have a new sister in Christ.  She is soon to be moving to a new town, and I'm eager to help her get settled into a new church family so she will have the support she needs as she and her family transition.  I can't tell you how excited I am to have her as my sister.  She's had a hard path, and it was a long road that led her to the foot of the cross.  It took a while for her to grasp the concept of grace.  She was caught up in the world, and it's consequences.  And, she was/is far from alone.  We all get caught up in flesh.  We want more stuff.  We want to feel better.  We harbor anger and resentment.  And when we succumb to the world, we end up lost.  We are unfulfilled.  We are constantly searching for "it".  The one thing.  Only, we don't know what "the one thing" is. 

When we're sick and doctors don't know what's wrong, they try different medications until a cure is found.  Well, when we're caught up in the world and lost we try a lot of different ways to mask our distress.  We feed  away grief.  We medicated away our emotional pains.  We buy enough to hide our sorrow.  We work to cover our inadequacies.  No matter how hard we try, we find ourselves covered in sin.  Filthy. Uncomfortable.  We try again and again.  New method after new method.  But the results never change. 

Fact is, no self medication can bring healing.  We placate ourselves with temporary relief, but true healing comes from one place and one place only.  Our heavenly father.  Jehovah-Rophe.  The Lord who heals.  Remeber that feeling of finally slipping on the perfect dress?  The one that feels so good it makes you smile?  Not to mention it makes you look great too?  The search is over.  You can finally rest.  Peace.  Comfort.  Joy.  That's what awaits those who clothe themselves in our Saviour.  We can stop looking for the magic cure or the perfect outfit, because we are healed.  It doesn't take a miracle, or another trip to the shopping mall.  All it takes is accepting the perfect love that was poured out to us through the perfect Son.  Here are some of my favorite verses about the healing our God provides for His children.  And here's my prayer for you all and hope that you find the perfect fit. 

Proverbs 4:20-33, Psalm 107:19-21, Psalm 30:2, Isaiah 53:4-5, Psalm 147:3, Mat 9:20-22