Saturday, November 7, 2009

Uncomprehendable Love

Moments like this are few and fleeting.  He seeks a rare chance of rest as his tired little body crawls into my lap.  I wrap my arms around him and draw him near to me, as his tiny hand reaches.  His eyes are closed as his hand reads my face of love and pulls me into him.  Our noses meet, and my eyes close.  I can smell the breath of life.  His tender skin warms my coldness as my cheeck slides across his.  My lips can't stop kissing his perfectness, and the taste is holy.  As I hold him, I feel our souls mingling.  His in mine, and mine in his.  The tears well in my throat, and one falls on his head.  "Anything," I whisper, "I would do anything for you my son."  I know he feels my love.  His father comes to take him to bed, but I push him away.  I don't want this moment to end.  And so, I hold him just a while longer.

  "How great is the love, the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are!  The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him."  1 John 3:1

My body is tired.  The world takes it's toll.  He beckons me to His lap, and offers me rest.  He says;

"Come unto me, all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

His outstretched arms draw me into Him, and I rest my head upon His chest.  His perfection envelopes me.  I close my eyes as he strokes my cheeck.  He closes His eyes as his lips of mercy caress my soul.  I am at peace, as I listen to the rythm of His unfailing heart of love.  As He holds me, our souls are weaved together.  Mine with His, and His with mine.  I feel His tears fall upon my face, and his love showers me.  He whispers to me.  "Everything," He says, "I have done everything for you my daughter."  Satan comes to take me to bed, but my Father's love, binds me to Him, and we cannot be separated.  And so, He hold me just a while longer, because He knows these moments are fleeting.  Such love is uncomprehendable.


  1. Girl, you are on such a roll! I love it!

  2. Amanda Farris HamblinNovember 9, 2009 at 3:13 PM

    Wow!!! I needed that this week. You are such an awesome Women of God. Thank you for sharing your faith.

  3. Leslea, I love this...I mean, I love this sooo much! Wow! I found tears welling up as I read your post. How true! How wonderful these words are that you have shared with us. Thank you for opening my eyes & letting me be blessed. Thank You Jesus for Your LOVE...for spilling over and filling us with it abundantly.
