Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Balancing Act

Lots of my personal thoughts stem from experiences I have at school.  Today's is just that.  I hope you don't mind the anatomy lessons you might receive as a byproduct of my experiences. 

I love to teach about the human body!  It is absolutely amazing.  How each system works so intricately to maintain balance is phenomenal.  It is the greatest example of "teamwork" I have ever experienced.  Each cell has it's own specific purpose, yet come together to form tissues, and organs, and organ systems....I think you get the picture.

Each year, I have at least one student ask, "Mrs. Tacker, what is the most important organ in the body?  Like, which one could you not live without?".  Hmmmm.  There are a few organs that are dispensable, but of utmost importance?  There are none.  Our bodies were designed for balance.  Each system influencing those around it, and helping them function more efficiently. No system is independent of another.  Each depends on the others to function.  And, when you think about it, each system shares the common functions of serving the others and protecting the body.  Think about that!  The body is a unified front.  Ready to connect the dots?

It is certainly not chance that the church is referred to as, "The Body of Christ".  And, just as our Earthly bodies were created in the image of God, so our churches should be reflective of the image of Christ.  The church is not merely an organization, but a living organism.  Compare the two:  

      Organization = is a group of individuals voluntarily associated
       together for a certain purpose.

      Organism = is any living thing which develops by inherent life.  Which
      means the sum total of related parts, in which the relationship of each
      part to part involves a relationship to the whole.

 Each member of a church serves as a vital part of this organism.  Though our specific functions may differ, our mission is shared.  Bring the life of Jesus Christ to the world through our service.

Is this how our churches function?  Too many times, we let our personal differences interfere with function of the church.  When one body system fails to contribute, the body becomes sick.  When personal agendas and doctrinal discontinuity invade the church, disease spreads quickly.  So, the church takes a sick day from its Kingdom work.  Creation suffers from the infections of flesh.   Our desires for power and influence, and respect cause irreparable damage. 

Maybe your church needs some preventative medicine.  Imagine yourself as part of a living organism.  Celebrate the value of each member of Christ's Body.  Do your part, but also offer yourself in the service of others.  A balanced church spreads love not disease.  Serve one another and build each other up for the wellness of the church and the advancement of His kingdom.  

From whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love” (Ephesians 4:16).

"Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers.  Be shepherds of the Church of God, which he bought with his own blood. " Acts 20:25-28


  1. Amanda Farris HamblinNovember 12, 2009 at 3:26 PM

    Wow!!! you hit the nail right on the head with that one.

  2. I think you should name your blog An Insomniac's Almanac.

    That's be awesome.

  3. Very true, just wish everyone was as in tune as you are!

  4. I love it. I wish everyone we know would read your blog. You say it well, Leslea. The kids are lucky to have you for a teacher.
