Sunday, November 22, 2009

Do You See the People?

I got slapped in the face this morning during Sunday school.  Not literally, but I felt the sting just the same.  We've been studying about the importance of sewing the seeds, and trusting that God will work.  It's been an awesome study.  This morning, during our video, I was struck by what the speaker (Terry Rush) said.  He asked a simple question.  "Do you see the people?".  Sure I do.  I mean, I try to always help when I can.  Of course I want to show Jesus to people in my life...but, that's not what he meant.  Look deeper.  Look farther.  Do you really see the people?  ALL of them?  Not just neighbors and aquaintances, but the PEOPLE?  Ouch!  I can say yes until I'm blue in the face, but I pass over people all the time. 

I thought of a little girl in my class when I was just a second year teacher.  Poor, dirty, needy, trying, sad.  I tried to convince myself that I treated her with love, but my actions said otherwise.  She would come to hug me every morning, and I would hug her back, but not REALLY embrace her.  I didn't want to get dirty.  The little girl lived in squalor.  I knew this, because I had seen reports from DHS and local authorities.  The other kids, didn't want to be around her either.  She hungered for attention of any form.  I hated the situation she was in, but there was nothing I could do.  Right?  I was tollerant of her, because I felt sorry for her.  I was nice to her, but I never reached to her.  I never saw her.  She was in my class every day, but I never saw her.  She cried out to me, to love her with the love of Christ, but I was afraid to get dirty.  I remember the day she brought me 2 cookies.  She was so proud of them.  I gushed over how good they looked, but I was horrified of eating them.  I kept picturing the cockroaches in her kitchen as she was baking away. Such a rediculous, petty image.  I should have pictured her beautiful heart.  I should have pictured her face of joy.  She worked so hard, to make me those cookies.  She wanted, no needed, me to eat them.  She needed for me to show her that she was lovable.  But I was too good to eat them.  I really thought being nice to her was enough.  I didn't know she needed to "see" me eat the cookies.  She knew I didn't see her.  She didn't know she was worth being seen. 

So, do you SEE the people?  Not from the outside, but from the heart.  Do you look for the image of God in every face you meet?  Do they see the image of Christ in you?  I want to say yes with all my heart.  But, I still have a long way to go.  As you experience life this week, take every opportunity you can to see the people all around you.  When we get over ourselves and see the beauty of humanity, they can see the beauty of the love of Christ within' us. When we open our eyes to God's perfect creation, He opens our hearts to His love.  A love that SEES.  

1 comment:

  1. great post. what a reminder of how God sees us and how we should see others. thanks!
