Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Being Church

Every year at Christmas, I watch the Jim Carey version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  It's weird how I notice different things about the movie each year that I never noticed before.  This year, I didn't notice any new details specifically, but I did notice something even bigger.

It's Christmas time in Whoville.  Everyone is hustling and bustling getting ready for the big day.  It's a madhouse at the stores as everyone tries to buy last minute gifts.  All the smiling faces tell us that everyone MUST be happy in Whoville...right?  Well, everyone but two.  Little Cindy Lou isn't just less than thrilled, she's downright sad!  What's the point she thinks?  What good are all these gifts?  She sings the sweetest sadest song, "Where are you Christmas?  Why can't I find you?  Why have you gone away?"  Her parents try to cheer her up, but she's not buying it.  She knows something is missing.  Enter the Grinch.  Whoville outcast.  Scorned by society because he's just horrible!  But that's not the real reason.  He was just different.  Because he looked and acted different, he was treated as such.  He is hurt down to his core by the rejection of others, and secludes himself.  Cindy reaches out to the Grinch, and though he is shocked, he rejects her.  But, she doesn't quit.  Time and again she tries, and he rejects.  The more she tries the madder he gets.  So, the Grinch steals Christmas...well the presents anyways.  He thinks no presents equals no Christmas.  Whoville will be destroyed.  But that's not what hppends.  In fact, it's Cindy Lou who shows him what Christmas is truly about.  Not the presents, or pretty decorations, but rather the spirit of togetherness.  Something that can't be stolen.  The Grinch is moved, and Christmas is saved as they all hold hands and sing around the Christmas tree.

Long post, but stay with me...What if this isn't about Christmas at all, but rather it's about Church.  Haven't we all wondered if there wasn't something more?  Haven't we all thought what's the point?  Just like the Who's bought presents, haven't we all gone to Church out of obligation?  If Christmas isn't about presents, maybe Church isn't about attendance.  Maybe it's something more.  Think about this for a second...What if the Grinch stole your Church building?  Would that be the end?  Or, would you respond like Cindy Lou?  Would the absence of the building reveal the true church?  Replace the Christmas tree with Jesus, and let's sing around that!!!  Isn't that how we find the true spirit of our church?  It's not a building or a place, but it's US!  Not an institution focused on finance, but a living body!  It's our hearts and lives being lived out through Jesus Christ.  If churches really followed that model, we wouldn't create Grinches by turning away  those who are different from us.  I know we all like to think that "our" church doesn't do that....but we do.  It's just "human nature".  That's the point too.  The church shouldn't be led by human nature but rather by Christs' nature!  So, everyone who reads this should go to their church and turn it upside down right???  Nope.  I just want us all to look a little, actually a lot, deeper.  I don't just think there's something more, I know it.  But, how we get there is not our choice or will, but HIS!  We try and turn our own grand ideas into His will with the best of intentions, then can't figure out why such a wonderful idea just didn't work.
Try to think about what it truly means to be a church.  Literally and figuratively.  Think on it.  Pray on it, and if you're led, act on it!  Just make sure the actions you take are based on His plan for the New You, not your own.  This topic is going to take some time to go through.  My thoughts are too scrambled to get to the point in just one post.  As I organize my thoughts into something a little more coherant than this post, be thinking about what you believe a church is supposed to do or be.  Please share your thoughts with me too.  I love hearing from all of you. 

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