Lately, I've been thinking a lot about thinking. And, the more I think about it, the more I realize what an awesome thing thought can be! Maybe I'm not making a lot of sense, but think about it...our thoughts are constant like breath, even in sleep. They are often involuntary. Ideas pop into our heads for seemingly no rhyme nor reason. Thoughts also come like flashes of lightning. We think of something great, but five seconds later we can't remember what it was! I'm not sure why I've been thinking so much lately, but it has led me to a greater reverence of thought.
The concept of thought can be very contradictory at times. I mean, thinking is so easy, that we don't have to think about it to do it. Yet, as a teacher, one of the greatest challenges I face is getting my students to think. Not just gather knowledge and fill in a blank, but to dig deep. To be able to apply a concept to abstract situations, and see the big picture.'s easy, but it's hard!! Thoughts can also be contradictory in their moral nature. Good and bad. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "A man is what he thinks about all day long." That can be a great thing, or a really really scary thing!
So what are we to think about all of this thinking? Well, I think, like with every other gift we are given, we should handle it with care. No good or evil can come without thought.
Phillipians 4:8 says, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
Matthew 15:18-20 says, ""But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen
hands defileth not a man."
God longs for us to think. Not just about him, but about all of his creation. Jesus often spoke in parables, not to frustrate us or cause us to argue about the meaning, but because He wants us to THINK!!! He wants us to contemplate Him. Think about what it means to follow Him. To think like Him. To serve Him. To love like Him. He doesn't want us suffer from the shallowness of spoonfed religion, but to have a deeper understanding of God. And just as important as having a deeper understanding, is realizing that the more we know...the less we understand! Sounds backwards I know. But, the more I think about and learn about our creator, the more questions I have. But this process of thinking, asking, learning, thinking more creates intimacey, respect, and desire for more. This is the process we use to get to know one another, shouldn't we also use it to get to know our Lord?
Never forget that our thoughts have power...great power that is never to be taken for granted. The can and will control of us if we lose focus. So, think about what you're thinking about. Because the thoughts that grow in your mind can manifest in your life. Hmmm...just some food for thought.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Give it up!
I read something cool in the news this week. Australian businessman, Karl Rabeder, is is giving away his $5.3 million dollar fortune to seek true happiness in life. Here's a link to his story if you want more delails. Karl Rebeder story. If you don't want to read it, here's the short and sweet. Rabeder is a self made millionaire who felt that more wealth and luxury would equal happiness. But happiness never came. Hard work and money would buy luxurious things, but they were never enough. So, he decided to get rid of it all! He said, "My idea is to have nothing left. Absolutely nothing. Money is counter-productive, it prevents happiness."
This story seems unbelievable in today's consumer driven society. And though we don't often admit it, none of us are immune to this sickness of materialism. At least I know I'm not! I've already decided that my next car needs to have built in GPS, leather heated seats and steering wheel!!! It's kind of funny to think about how dependent we are on "stuff". I think many of us learned that the hard way during our power outage. But, it's really not funny at all. We may think our stuff makes us happy, but the euphoria is temporary. Ever wondered why buyers remorse is so pandemic? So, if not stuff, where DO we find true happiness? I think you'll all know my answer. Of course...Jesus Christ. Talk about a man who gave it all up! H didn't give up a lot monetarily, but that's just because he didn't have any money to give. So, he gave what he had. Himself. His heart, His soul, His tears, His sweat, and ultimately, His life. What do we give for Him???
This story also tied into something else that's been on my mind lately. The season of Lent. Traditionally, Lend is a period of time leading up to Easter, when Christians prepare to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There are may ways to observe Lent, but many Christians do so through prayer, self-denial, almsgiving, repentance, reflection, and soul-searching. The forty days are meant to represent the 40 days that Christ spent in the wilderness preparing for his ministry. During this time, Christ was immersed in communion with His heavenly father. Though traditionally a Catholic, Methodist, or Lutheran tradition, I want to encourage us all to observe lint this year.
We tend to get so caught up in life physically, emotionally, monetarily, etc. Let's get rid of it! I'm not telling you to sell all of your stuff like the Australian millionaire, but simplify. Reflect on a part of your life that consumes more of you than it should. Think about where your life focus is now. Is it on Jesus Christ? Is it really? If no, or I'm not sure was your answer, then why not? What's keeping you from the sweet peace offered by our Saviour? Whatever it is...GIVE IT UP!!! I want to encourage you to take your commitment one step farther and not just remove something, but replace it with Christ. I'm giving up my snooze button. I HATE mornings!!! I set the alarm 45 minutes early so I can ease out of my slumber. So, instead, I am going to get up and spend my first fruit of the day with Christ. I admit, I've tried this one before and failed miserably!!! Maybe you don't want to change the time of day you commune with our father. Maybe you just want to spend more time, or maybe more "real" time. Whatever you choose to do, be it prayer, meditation, reading, fasting, etcetera, I pray the outcome is fruitful. It's certainly not going to be easy, but let's encourage each other along the way. So, good luck! And here's to hope that you all experience more of Christ, by experiencing less of the world.
This story seems unbelievable in today's consumer driven society. And though we don't often admit it, none of us are immune to this sickness of materialism. At least I know I'm not! I've already decided that my next car needs to have built in GPS, leather heated seats and steering wheel!!! It's kind of funny to think about how dependent we are on "stuff". I think many of us learned that the hard way during our power outage. But, it's really not funny at all. We may think our stuff makes us happy, but the euphoria is temporary. Ever wondered why buyers remorse is so pandemic? So, if not stuff, where DO we find true happiness? I think you'll all know my answer. Of course...Jesus Christ. Talk about a man who gave it all up! H didn't give up a lot monetarily, but that's just because he didn't have any money to give. So, he gave what he had. Himself. His heart, His soul, His tears, His sweat, and ultimately, His life. What do we give for Him???
This story also tied into something else that's been on my mind lately. The season of Lent. Traditionally, Lend is a period of time leading up to Easter, when Christians prepare to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There are may ways to observe Lent, but many Christians do so through prayer, self-denial, almsgiving, repentance, reflection, and soul-searching. The forty days are meant to represent the 40 days that Christ spent in the wilderness preparing for his ministry. During this time, Christ was immersed in communion with His heavenly father. Though traditionally a Catholic, Methodist, or Lutheran tradition, I want to encourage us all to observe lint this year.
We tend to get so caught up in life physically, emotionally, monetarily, etc. Let's get rid of it! I'm not telling you to sell all of your stuff like the Australian millionaire, but simplify. Reflect on a part of your life that consumes more of you than it should. Think about where your life focus is now. Is it on Jesus Christ? Is it really? If no, or I'm not sure was your answer, then why not? What's keeping you from the sweet peace offered by our Saviour? Whatever it is...GIVE IT UP!!! I want to encourage you to take your commitment one step farther and not just remove something, but replace it with Christ. I'm giving up my snooze button. I HATE mornings!!! I set the alarm 45 minutes early so I can ease out of my slumber. So, instead, I am going to get up and spend my first fruit of the day with Christ. I admit, I've tried this one before and failed miserably!!! Maybe you don't want to change the time of day you commune with our father. Maybe you just want to spend more time, or maybe more "real" time. Whatever you choose to do, be it prayer, meditation, reading, fasting, etcetera, I pray the outcome is fruitful. It's certainly not going to be easy, but let's encourage each other along the way. So, good luck! And here's to hope that you all experience more of Christ, by experiencing less of the world.
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